Everyday we hear,read or see online that cinnamon is good, some say flax seed is essential , then another article will mention about chia seeds. The real question is how should we include these amazing super foods in our diet ?
Today I am going to talk about flax seeds and how this amazing seed can be included in your diet.
Flax seed is excellent in omega 3 and high in fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol.It is an excellent source of omega 3 for vegetarians in particular as their diet usually lacks in it.You don’t need to eat a large helping of flaxseeds to reap these health benefits , 1 to 2 tablespoon to start with is enough.
- Always buy whole flax seeds and grind it at home.Please always store grinned seeds in an air tight box in the refrigerator for not more than 2 days to prevent rancidity.
- Grinned flax seeds are more high in nutritional value and can be absorbed and digested better.
- Add in your chapati dough or any batter (pancake,biscuit,bread or cake batter)
- Sprinkle some on cooked vegetables to add a little crunch
- Add in your yogurt , milk,juice or any beverage
- Flax seeds can be added with garam malasa to curries and gravies
- Chew on flax seeds after a meal as a digestive
- Sprinkle in your salads.
I hope this article helps you 🙂
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Neha Sahaya wellness
Marathon icon,Lower Parel